=== Computational Modelling in Medicine ===
== Prof. Dr. Nils Blüthgen ==
=== Evolution of Organismic Systems ===
== Prof. Dr. Peter Hammerstein ==
=== Theoretical Chronobiology ===
== Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Herzel ==
=== Theoretical Neuroscience ===
== Prof. Dr. Richard Kempter ==
=== Systems Medicine of Liver ===
== Dr. Matthias König ==
=== Collective Information Processing ===
== Dr. Pawel Romanczuk ==
=== Computational Neurophysiology ===
== Prof. Dr. Susanne Schreiber ==
=== Metabolic Network Analysis ===
== Dr. Ralf Steuer ==
==== Former Research Groups ====
* **Systemmedizin und Biostatistik** \\ //2010-2023// \\ [[https://www.medicalschool-hamburg.de/ueber-uns/team/team-fakultaet-medizin/angela-relogio/|Prof. Dr. habil. Angela Relógio, MSH Medical School Hamburg]]
* **Complex Systems** \\ //2013-2023// \\ [[https://rocs.hu-berlin.de/authors/dirk/|Prof. Dr. Dirk Brockmann, Humboldt University of Berlin, Robert Koch Institute]]
* **Biomathematics - Systems Biology of Inflammation** \\ //2011-2022// \\ [[https://www.thurleylab.org/|Prof. Dr. Kevin Thurley, University Hospital Bonn, Institute for Experimental Oncology (IEO)]]
* **Systems Biology of Aging and the Circadian Clock** \\ //2011–2016// \\ [[https://www.fbn-dummerstorf.de/mitarbeitende/paal-westermark/|Dr. Pål Westermark, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN)]] \\
* **Learning and Memory in Balanced Systems** \\ //2012–2014// \\ [[https://www.cognition.tu-berlin.de/|Prof. Dr. Henning Sprekeler, TU Berlin]] \\
* **Bacterial Regulatory Networks** \\ //2008–2013// \\ [[http://www.synmikrobiologie.hhu.de/|Prof. Dr. Ilka Axmann, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf]]
* **Systems Immunology** \\ //2002–2011// \\ [[https://sim.biologie.hu-berlin.de/|Dr. Michal Or-Guil, Humboldt University / Research Center ImmunoSciences (RCIS)]]
* **Biological Networks: Design Principles of Robust Information Processing** \\ //2006–2010// \\ [[http://www.mathmodeling.hhu.de/|Prof. Dr. Markus Kollmann, Universität Düsseldorf]]
* **Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics** \\ //2000–2008// \\ [[http://www.ini.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/PEOPLE/wiskott/homepage.html|Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott, Ruhr Universität Bochum]]
* **Theory of Neural Systems** \\ //1996–2007// \\ [[http://www.neuro.bio.lmu.de/members/comp_neuro_herz/herz_a/index.html|Prof. Dr. Andreas Herz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München]]