Title of pages diplayed in the browser are not nice (like “start”), should be made nicer (for example using useheading. [Tiziano]: fixed for some pages but not all of them show the right title, ex: home, group private homepage, etc… → @Gregor: how do we fix this properly? The problem is that useheading uses the first heading in the text as a title, but for example for private group pages we have no heading…
Search generates unuseful results. Maybe disable? [Tiziano]: I can not confirm that: what search did you try?
Nils's group is called “Computional Modelling in Medicine” [Tiziano]: fixed!
Automatic publication page - I think I sent a script that generates one about a year ago (I = Nils), but I can re-write it if required. [Tiziano]: we should talk about that with Gregor on how to integrate it properly → @Gregor: put it in the TODO
If there are upcoming events within the next 7 days, they should be displayed on page 1, same for news [Tiziano]: → @Gregor: put it in the TODO
MSB-Seminars are in a google callender, and could be automatically displayed, I have php scripts that can do it. Do same for other seminar series? [Tiziano]: I was looking for a google-independent solution, as the HU seems to have a calendar service that does not require HU accounts. If that does not work out we can have google calendars: there are a couple of plugins that allow the display in dokuwiki of google calendars… Problems: do we want to use this solution for resource usage, like for example seminar room, ITB laptops, etc.? If yes, people can not simply edit them, right? We would need some “authorized” google accounts, etc…
page 1 should contain some useful things. Maybe upcoming events, recent news, the mission of the institute should. Maybe with research areas with subpages? [Tiziano]: Definitely: but we (IT admins) are not really sure about what to write there. I think ideally the bosses should write it → @Nils: do you maybe want to have a go to write a stab for the homepage so that other bosses can propose changes?