Submitted Manuscripts

I. Große, H. Herzel, S. V. Buldyrev, and H. E. Stanley.
A Species-Independent Measure for Distinguishing Coding and Noncoding DNA.

I. Große, D. Holste, H. Herzel, S. V. Buldyrev, and H. E. Stanley.
Universality of Information Content in Coding and Noncoding DNA.

T. Riede, H. Herzel, D. Mehwald, W. Seidner, E. Trumler, G. Böhme, and G. Tembrock.
Nonlinear Phenomena in the Natural Howling of a Dog-Wolf Breed.

I. Große, D. Holste, H. Herzel, S. V. Buldyrev, and H. E. Stanley.
Species-Independence of Tsallis Entropies in Coding and Noncoding DNA Sequences.

I. Grosse, D. Holste, H. Herzel, S. V. Buldyrev, and H. E.Stanley.
Species-Independence of Tsallis Entropies in Coding and Noncoding DNA.

C. Zemlin, E. Storch, and H. Herzel.
Alternans in Ionic Models of Heart Cells.

T. Riede, H. Herzel, L. Brunnberg, and G.Tembrock.
Measuring Dysphonia in Dogs.

D. Beule, J. Schuchhardt, and H. Herzel.
Clustering Gene Expression Time Series.

T. Riede, H. Herzel, K. Hammerschmidt, L. Brunnberg, and G. Tembrock.
The harmonic--to--noise--ratio applied to dog barks.

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Hanspeter Herzel
Tue May 12 11:45:06 MET DST 1998