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Richard Kempter
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Lab meetings in the ITB seminar room (Philippstr. 13, Building number 4, Room 012)

In this seminar, various topics of current research in theoretical neuroscience are presented. Attendees should have basic knowledge in neuroscience and computational neuroscience.

WS 2025/2026 - Thursdays 10-12

SS 2025 (14.4.-13.10.2025) - Mondays 10-12

WS 2024/2025 - Thursdays 10-12
06.03.2025 Arina Belova
Expanding threshold-linear networks to allow for biologically plausible oscillatory behavior
20.02.2025 Atilla Botond Kelemen
Models of synaptic memory consolidation
13.02.2025 (no talk, MNS project presentations 16:00-18:00)
30.01.2025 Farzada Farkhooi
Balanced Recurrent Networks: A Primer and Beyond
23.01.2025 Gaspar Cano
Conditions for sequential activation of neuronal assemblies
16.01.2025 Ghadi El Hasbani
Neuron Morphology in the Avian Nucleus Magnocellularis and Contributions to Far-field Potentials
09.01.2025 Arne Großelindemann
Somatostatin positive interneurons in CA1 - investigating their properties and their relation to sharp wave ripples
19.12.2024 (no talk)
12.12.2024 Journal Club by Atilla Botond Kelemen
Cortical up-down states and sharp-wave ripples
05.12.2024 (no talk)
28.11.2024 Nils Greven
How connection probability shapes fluctuations of neural population dynamics
21.11.2024 Paula Kuokkanen
Model for simulating auditory brainstem responses
14.11.2024 Phillip van Kronenberg, PhD defense
31.10.2024 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Navigating with grid cells: a review of decoding models
17.10.2024 Stefano Masserini
Elementary Dynamics of Neural Microcircuits

SS 2024 - Tuesdays 10:00-11:30h
16.04.2024 Stefano Masserini
Threshold-linear networks as a ground-zero theory for spiking models
23.04.2024 no talk (Meeting of the Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance)
30.04.2024 Sahand Sabahi Miab
Overshoot effects of interneuronal stimulation in a minimal-assumption model of sharp waves
07.05.2024 Naomi Auer
Effects of population sparseness and number of active neurons on optimal learning speed and capacity in a Willshaw-like network
14.05.2024 Hannah Schultheiß
A NEURON model of a NM cell in the avian auditory brainstem
21.05.2024 Paula Kuokkanen
Introduction to Generalized Linear Models
28.05.2024 Erblina Purelku
Replay and balanced states in neural networks
04.06.2024 no talk (teaching MB 19)
11.06.2024 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
From Numerosity to Ordinal Rank: A Gain-Field Model of Serial Order Representation in Cortical Working Memory
18.06.2024 Gaspar Cano
Conditions for sequence replay in recurrent networks
19.06.2024, 14:00h Ronja Strömsdörfer
The Wilson-Cowan neural field with non-linear adaptation for traveling waves of slow oscillations
25.06.2024 Arne Großelindemann
Spike detection in LFP data - a data science endeavour
09.07.2024 Atilla Botond Kelemen
Investigating Neocortical Modulation in a Rate Model of Sharp Waves
16.07.2024 Lars Chen
Numerical comparison of supervised and unsupervised Willshaw-like networks

WS 2023/2024 - Tuesdays 10:00-11:30h
07.11.2023 no meeting (SFB retreat)
21.11.2023 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Exploring models of spatial memory and imagery
09.01.2024 Naomi Auer
On Wu and Maass: "One-shot learning and robust recall with BTSP, a biological synaptic plasticity rule" in bioRxiv
23.01.2024 Stefano Masserini
Rectified linear dynamics explain the multistability underlying sharp waves with one or two pyramidal components
30.01.2024 Gaspar Cano
Conditions for sequence replay in recurrent networks
13.02.2024 Lars Chen
Numerically Exploring the Trade-off Between Memory Encoding & Synapse Turnover in Willshaw-like Networks
20.02.2024 Paula Kuokkanen
From single cells to far fields: barn owl auditory brainstem as a model
05.03.2024 Arne Großelindemann
Ripple oscillations in CA1 due to PV+ basket cell activation

SS 2023 - Thursdays 14:00-15:30h
21.09.2023 Öykü Okur
In-silico analysis of hippocampal sharp wave-ripples in a network model of two interneuron populations
06.07.2023 Lars Chen
Parameter exploration of numerical simulations of a sparse Willshaw-like Network
29.06.2023 Arne Großelindemann
Optogenetically induced ripple oscillations in CA1 - an exploratory analysis
15.06.2023 Stefano Masserini
Heterogeneity of recurrent excitation shapes sharp wave dynamics
08.06.2023 (no meeting, teaching the MB19 module seminar)
01.06.2023 Mehnoush Faghani
The PSD analysis of the field potential generated by inhibitory synaptic currents in the nucleus laminaris of barn owls
25.05.2023 Naomi Auer
Quantification of the capacity of a sparse Willshaw-like network by distributions of dendritic sums
18.05.2023 (no meeting, Himmmelfahrt)
11.05.2023 Gaspar Cano
The role of amplification in sequence replay
04.05.2023 Paula Kuokkanen
Single-cell contributions from the auditory brainstem of the barn owl to EEG electrodes
27.04.2023 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Comparing methods for evaluating hexadirectional modulation in periodic signals
20.04.2023 (no meeting)

WS 2022/2023
16.03.2023, 14:00h Stefano Masserini
Principal-Cell Heterogeneity in Network Models of SWRs: Work Plan and Preliminary Results
08.02.2023, 12:30pm Mehnoush Faghani
Characterization and modeling of extracellular field potentials generated by inhibitory synaptic currents in the nucleus laminaris of the barn owl (Master's thesis defense)
01.02.2023 Martin Krück
Phenomenological modelling of network of R5 and Helicon cells in Drosophila
25.01.2023 Naomi Auer
Distributions of dendritic sums of a Willshaw-like network with and without homeostasis
18.01.2023 Tilo Schwalger
Mesoscopic description of hippocampal replay and metastability in spiking neural networks with short-term plasticity
11.01.2023 Gaspar Cano
CA3 connectivity and memory replay
16.12.2022, 12:30 Ana Toro
Hippocampal ripple oscillations in an excitation-first network model with supralinear dendritic interactions (Master's thesis defense, BCCN lecture hall)
30.11.2022 Paula Kuokkanen
ABR journal club - part II: discussion
16.11.2022 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Quantitative modelig of the emergence of macroscopic grid-like representations (Master's thesis defense)
09.11.2022 (no meeting)
19.10.2022 Mehnoush Faghani
Characterization and modeling of extracellular field potentials generated by inhibitory synaptic currents in the nucleus laminaris of the barn owl

SS 2022
05.07.2022, 17:00h Paula Kuokkanen
Magnocellular unit contributions to click-evoked auditory EEG in the barn owl
28.06.2022 Ana Toro
Analysis of sharp-wave ripple complexes in CA3 area of mouse hippocampus
21.06.2022 Mehnoush Faghani
Characterization and modeling of extracellular field potentials generated by inhibitory synaptic currents in the nucleus laminaris of the barn owl
14.06.2022 Natalie Schieferstein
Ripple oscillations: many models, many experiments - why havn't we found the ''true generating mechanism'' yet?
07.06.2022 Naomi Auer
Can differences in population sparseness explain different memory consolidation speeds? An analytical approach.
31.5.2022 Ikhwan Khalid
Grid cell population activity in finite environments
25.05.2022 Gaspar Cano
Replay, connectivity, and assembly size in spiking networks
04.05.2022 Debapratim Jana
Transient ripple oscillations in inhibitory network models

WS 2021/2022
30.03.2022 Paula Kuokkaen
Journal club on ABRs
16.03.2022 Ana Toro
Journal club on Memmesheimer et al. (2010) and Jahnke et al. (2015)
09.02.2022 Natalie Schieferstein
Journal club on Schomburg et al.(J. Neurosci, 2012)
02.02.2022 Natalie Schieferstein
Understanding the transient dynamics of hippocampal ripple oscillations in an inhibitory network model
12.01.2022 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Decontextualisation of transformer-based word embeddings
17.11.2021 Naomi Auer
Quantifying the benefit of sparseness for the network capacity
27.10.2021 Ana Toro (09:30h)
Experiments on CA1 ripples by optogenetic stimulation of PV cells
20.10.2021 Paula Kuokkanen
Optogenetic tools in Neuroscience - a short review

SS 2021
21.-23.09.2021 Bernstein Conference
15.09.2021 Wilhelm Braun
High-frequency oscillations and replay in a two-population model of hippocampal region CA1
06.09.2021 Laura Krumm
Slowly oscillating brain waves in Drosophila during sleep
23.06.2021 Leo Engmann
Linear separability at several layers of ahierarchical data set of binary vectors
16.06.2021 Gaspar Cano
Connectivity motifs in CA3 pyramidal cells
09.06.2021 Naomi Auer
Principal component analysis with neural networks
26.05.2021 Ikhwan Bin Khalid
Synaptic learning rules for sequence learning
12.05.2021 Ana Toro
Analysis of sharp wave associated currents
04.05.2021 Stefano Masserini
The role of adaptation in the generation of sharp-wave ripples in disinhibition models of CA3
28.04.2021 Laura Krumm
Slow-wave oscillations in Drosophila
07.04.2021 Baris Can Kuru (University of Bonn)
Pattern separation of grid cell phase and rate codes

WS 2020/2021
10.03.2021 BCCNB Advisory Board Meeting
24.02.2021 Paula Kuokkanen
Predicting click-elicited single auditory unit contributions to EEG in the barn owl
10.02.2021 Gaspar Cano
Generation of sharp-wave ripples by disinhibition: replay and serotonergic modulation
27.01.2021 Natalie Schieferstein
Understanding transient ripple dynamics in a reduced inhibitory network model
13.01.2021 Mehnoush Faghani
GABAergic and glycinergic synaptic currents in the nucleus laminaris of the barn owl
06.01.2021 Eric Reifenstein
Quantitative modeling of macroscopic grid-like representations
16.12.2020 Sudeshna Bora
Image reconstruction using neuromorphic cameras
09.12.2020 Naomi Auer
Towards a model for the development of a hierarchical knowledge base
02.12.2020 Eric Reifenstein
Quantitative modeling of macroscopic grid-like representations
18.11.2020 Tiziano D'Albis
Learning a path-integrating circuit in the drosophila brain: a reduced non-linear model
11.11.2020 Paula Kuokkanen
Single auditory unit contributions to EEG in the barn owl
04.11.2020 Leo Engmann
Analysis of GABAergic inhibition in the barn owl auditory brainstem

SS 2020
10.09.2020 Paula Kuokkanen
Single auditory unit contributions to EEG in the barn owl
22.07.2020 Gaspar Cano
Memory replay and disinhibition mechanisms in sharp-wave ripples
08.07.2020 Eric Reifenstein
Quantitative modeling of the emergence of macroscopic grid-like representations
25.06.2020 Pantelis Vafeidis
Learning a path-integrating circuit
27.05.2020 Naomi Auer
A model for the development of a hierarchical knowledge base
13.05.2020 Natalie Schieferstein
Understanding ripple dynamics in a toy model
29.04.2020 Tiziano D'Albis
Attractor dynamics and moving bumps

Created by Richard Kempter,