Location: | House 6, Lecture Hall - Campus Nord | ||
Time: | Tue., 16:00-18:00 | ||
Contact: | |||
Script: | under construction |
It is still a great challenge to come up with quantitative assertions about complex biological systems. Especially, if one aims towards a functional understanding at the cell, tissue or organismic level, it typically leads to quite involved modells. Analytical progress can be made with simplifying assumptions and the restriction to limiting cases.
This course will discuss a potpourri of mathematical methods ranging from analytical techniques to numerical methods and inform the participant on how to apply them to answer biological question and have enormous fun in doing so.
The mathematical techniques encompass stochastic systems, numerical bifurcation analysis, information theory, perturbation theory and Fourier analysis. The biological examples are chosen mostly from neurobiology, sensory ecology, but also bacterial communication and evolution.
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Of many natural systems we observe only some drastic events.
The clock regular pulses of pulsars [@]
Many intersting differential equations describing biological dynamics can be cast into the following form
where is a vector of state variables, e.g., voltage and kinetic variables. is the time independent (homogeneous) flow field. is a (often assumed small), possibly time dependent (inhomogeneous) perturbation to the system. are system’s parameter. The change of solutions in response to variations in system’s parameter will be studied later.
and we assume the existance of a -periodic limit cycle solution, , also known as periodic orbit.
A neurobiological dogma states that action potentials follow the all-or-nothing principle1. This can be construed to mean that the exact shape of the action potential does not matter2 and that information is stored in the exact spike times3. It also means that the action potential should be stable under perturbations, but that inputs ought to be able to shift the occurrence of spikes in time. If you want, from the dogma and the intend to code into spike times follow two desiderata:
To wit, II. just means that stimulus induced phase shifts should neither decay nor blow up.
Stability of is probed by studying small perturbation to an invariant set solution. Our invariant set is the limit cycle (periodic orbit) . Assuming there was a small perturbation to the system the solution can be decomposed as
with some “small” perturbation to the orbit. What small, i.e., is we do not want to say now, maybe later, lets see …
Assuming the perturbation was transient (only in initial conditions) and the system is homogeneous again we plug the Ansatz of Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) and get
The Jacobi matrix evaluated on the limit cycle can be written as a function of time . Note that since the limit cycle solution is -periodic, so is .
Identifying the limit cycle solution above we are left with the first variational equation of Eq. (2)
Hence, one needs to study of linear system with periodic coefficients. One solution of Eq. (4) can be guessed, let us try the time derivative of the orbit,
So it is a solution alright, and it happens to be a -periodic solution. This solution is called the Goldstone mode. But for arbitray intitial conditions not all solutions should be periodic.
For the proof please consult (Chicone 2006), here we are just goint to work with this as an Ansatz. The constant matrix is called the Floquet matrix.
Recall the matrix exponential
Inserting the Floquet Ansatz into Eq. (4) yields
Which by multiplying with results in a dynamics equation for similarity matrix .
Remember that was invertable so one can also derive an equation for the inverse
The Floquet matrix, , is constant, though not necesarily symmetric. Hence it has an orthonormal left and right eigensystem
One can define a “rotated” eigensystem
and are also called the Floquet modes.
If we project the eigenvectors on the Eqs. (8) and (9) and use this definitions we get
If one projects the general solution from Eq. (6) on the the adjoint Floquet modes
If the perturbation decays exponentially in this rotated coordinate frame.
Note that if , then according to Eq. (5)
is the Goldstone mode, and from Eq. (11)
The evolution of the phase of Eq. (1) is given by
To first order this is
There are several ways to define a phase (Hilbert transform, linear interpolation, …). A desiderata could be to have a linear phase increase in the unperturbed case (), say . [… proto-phase]. From this desiderata it follows that one must have . Given Eq. (16), this is easily achieved with the following identification
The input-output (I/O) equivalent phase oscillator to Eq. (1) can then be written as
A spike-train can be written as
To proceed with the analysis we need some results from Fourier theory.
One may think of the Fourier transform as a projection onto a new basis . Define the projection of a function as
The inverse Fourier transform is a projection onto
Usually all transcendental pondering about the existance of mathematical objects is the subject of pure math and should not bother us too much (we trust the work as been done properly). But in the Fourier transform case it motivates a subject we need to address mainly because of -functions, which are heavily used in theoretical neurobiology, because they are reminestcent of action potentials or indicate the time of such a spike event. What does it mean for the Fourier transform to exist? It means that the integrals invoved in the definition of the Fourier transform converge to finite values. OK. So let us look at the magnitude of the transform of a function . It can be upperbound by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
This means that if one assumes the function is absolute integrable
then the Fourier integral exists – hurray. Of course, the same works for the integral involved in inverse Fourier transform. Note that this is an implication in one dirrection. All functions satisfying absolute integrability are lumped together in .
The bad news is that applying a Fourier transform to one of the members of can through you out of it. And then? Well, luckily there is the set of Schwartz functions, wich is closed under the Fourier transform.
The issue that absolute integrability is insufficient already manifests when trying to Fourier transform it own basis, since . Lets give it a name anyway
It follows that the delta function is symmetric
Note also that
The convolution of two function is defined as
What is ?
Motivation and aim
In this lecture ion channels are introduced as stochastic devices floating in the membrane of a nerve cell. It should motivate why the analysis techniques and models introduced in this lecture need to deal with fluctuations and noise. (Nerve) cells produce stochastic processes on several levels:
The ion channels in their membrane stochastically jump beteen conformations, governed by Master equations.
On a more macroscipic level the their membrane voltage fluctuations show properties of coloured noise, well described by diffusion processes and stochastic differential equations.
The trains of action potentials they emmit from point processes.
In the stationary state these processes can be subjected to spectral analysis.
Note that in 1952, the first equations describing membrane voltage dynamics where the deterministic rate equations by Hodgin & Huxley (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952). Only in 1994 Fox and Lu derived these equations from the continuum limit of an ensemble of stochastic ion channels (Fox and Lu 1994). Essentially by doing a diffusion approximation.
Since then the nuences of appllying diffusion approximations to neurons have been investigated (Linaro, Storace, and Giugliano 2011,Orio and Soudry (2012)) and reviewed (Goldwyn et al. 2011,Goldwyn and Shea-Brown (2011),Pezo, Soudry, and Orio (2014)).
Proteins change conformation on various triggering signals:
Such dynamics can be described by a finite state Markov model which is mathematically described as a Master equation.
Starting with a simple ion channel that has an open conformation, , in which ions can pass (say K+ ions) and a cloased states, , which blocks ion flow
We can define a vector of the probability of being open and closed, , respectively.
An ionic current produced in the open state would be
$I^\mathrm{ion}=\gamma_{\mathrm K^+}N_O(E_{\mathrm K^+}-v)$
$\gamma_{\mathrm K^+}$ and $E_{\mathrm K^+}$ are the unitary conductance and the Nernst potential respectively. The average such current would be
${\langle}I^\mathrm{ion}{\rangle}=\gamma_{\mathrm K^+}Np_O(E_{\mathrm K^+}-v)$
where is the total number of channels in the membrane patch under consideration. But what about a particular stochastic realisation of the current, what about the fluctuations around the mean?
If we have channels than the number of of them being open is binomially distributed
In actuality the channels are part of the membrane dynamical system, where and depend at least on and hence are not constant during a spike. We need an update rule how to get from the probability of being open at time to the probability of begin open at time . This is given by
or in vector form
The infinitesimal limit is
With we can express one row of this equation as
with and
which has solution
Fourier transformation leads to
a Lorenzian spectrum. Inverse Fouerier transform yields the covariance function
Let us try to calculate the statistics of the current originating from an -state channel (just like in the two state case). Why would one do this? The idea, later on is to be able to find a continuous stochastic process that we can simulate and analyise easily.
Let be the realisation of the -state Markov channel. For example a K+-channel with four subunits
Assuming the ion channel has conformations, of which one is conducting, let us further define
The single channel current at a voltage clamp is then
How does it evolve? Define and , then
With formal solution
Use the singular value decompostion, , the matrix power can be written as . Or (recall Eq. (7))
If Eq. (22) has a stationary distribution in the limit, then this must correspond to the eigenvalue (let us assume they are ordered). So for . Therefore, the solution can be written as
The average channel current of Eq. (21) is
which if the chain is stable () has steady state
The steady state covariance in this case is
If then
is a sum of exponentials. The spectral density is a superposition of Lorenzians.
Do not track individual channels but the channel numbers. Starting in a particular state at time the life time of staying in that state until is
The escape rate of the state is (any reaction occuring)
where are the rate of leaving state . For example in the K+-channel is
But which reaction did occur? Let be the reaction (not the state!). For example, there are 8 reactions in the K+ channel. The probabilities of occurance associated with any one of them is
In a computer algorithm one can draw the waiting time for the next reaction simply by generating a uniform random number and then
The reaction is determined with a second random number
r1 = rand
r2 = rand
tau = ln(1/r1) / a
The jump process discussed in the previous sections is a continuous time Markov-process on a discrete domain, with . A diffusion process is a continuous time Markov-process on a continuous domain, with .
Can are in search for a a diffusion process such that
has the same first and second order statistics (in voltage clamp) as Eq. (21)? Let us try
To solve it, use the Fourier Transform
The place holder symbold was introduced for the Fourier transform of the stochastic process . Rearanging yields
The spectrum is
By definition is the Fourier Transform of the covariance function and from Eq. (19) this is one. Hence,
Applying the inverse Fourier transform results in the correlation function
A super position of independent such OU process
leads to a correlation function with the same structure as in Eq. (25). We identify and .
The idea of matching the second order statistics can be formulated in a far more abstract way in terms of the Kramers-Moyal-van-Kampen expansion of the Master requation
This theory was never ment to be used to describe living systems in which meaning, i.e., the content of a message actually matter. Information theory deals with optimal compression, lossless transmission of signals irrespective of weather it is relevant or a TV program.
Nontheless a look at a quantitative science of communication may be insightfull.
Consult []
Since there is a relation between the PRCs introduced in XXX and the filtering properties of a neuron, one can seek to do the same for phase dynamics and ask what PRC would maximise information transmission. But first, one needs to develop how the PRC predicts a lower bound on the mutual information rate. We begin with a short review of the basic tenets of information theory. Within information theory, a neural pathway is treated as a noisy communication channel in which inputs are transformed to neuronal responses and sent on:
The science of communication is concerned with at least two subtopics: the efficient representation of data (compression); and the save transmission of data through unreliable channels.
A source (the message) typically runns through the following processing sequence:
Compress |
Encode |
Channel | |||
Decompress |
Decode |
One of the formal assertions of information theory is that these two problems can be addressed separately (without loss of generality or efficiency): Meaning first one compresses by removing redundancies. Then one again adds failsafe redundancy to combat the unreliability.
However convenient for engineering, this does not mean that biological systems have to make use of this fact (source coding and channel coding could be very intertwined).
Also note that many of the mathematical results in information theory are bounds, inequalities not achievable in real systems. To get an idea of the mindset of information theory, check-out Shannon’s source coding theorem.
Remember Morse’s code. Why does the character E only have a single symbol (), while the character Q () has so many?
The idea could be that: Highly probable symbols should have the shortest representation, unlikely ones may occupy more space. What we want to compress is called the source and data compression depends on the source distribution. This sounds like a good idea for a biological system: Do not spend resources on rare events. Well not quite. Cicadas hear the sounds of their mating parners only once at the very end of a possibly 19 year long life.
In general, we can define a risk , i.e., the probability of not having a code word for a letter. Then, to to be efficient, one should choose the smallest -sufficient subset such that .
In the case of the genetic colde the essential bit content for is or if we use the base for the log it is 2, which is the length of the code words required for 16 AS.
Take an even simpler example: We have the alphabet with probability distributions A: and B: . In figure~ you can see a plot of over the allowed error for words of different length .
For increasing the curves depend on to a lesser degree. Even more it converges to a line around the entropy
which is $H_{\text A}=1$ and $H_{\text B}\approx0.81$.
This is closely related concept of the typical set . Members of the typical set have Hence their probability is , for all of them, which implies the cardinality of the typical set is . There holds a kind of law of large numbers (Asymptotic Equipartition Property, AEP) for the typical set stating that: For i.i.d. random variables with large is almost certainly am member of ().
Shannon argued that one should therefore base the compression on the typical set and showed that we can achieve a compression down to bits.
Note that the i.i.d. assumption is not to restrictive as we represent correlated processes in terms of the i.i.d. coefficients in their transform (or the empirical counter parts).
The typical set allows Shannon’s source coding algorithm: The encoder checks if the input sequence lies within the typical set; if yes, it outputs the index of the input sequence within the typical set; if not, the encoder outputs an arbitrary in digit number.
By formalising this argument Shannon proved that compression rates up to the source entropy is possible. The converse, that compression below is impossible is a bit more involving.
Here we consider a ,,memoryless’’ channel:
The rate with which information can be transmitted over a channel without loss is measured for a discrete time channel or for a continuous time channel. Operationally, we wish all bits that are transmitted to be recovered with negligible probability of error.
A measure of information could be:
The average reduction in the number of binary-questions needed to identify before and after observing .
This would just be the difference in entropies:
${M}(X;Y)={H}(X)-{H}(X|Y)= -\sum\limits_{x\in X} p(x)\log_2 p(x) + \sum\limits_{x\in X\atop y\in Y}p(x,y)\log_2p(x|y)$.
This goes by the name of mutual information or transinformation. Remember marginalisation
So the mutual information is
${M}=-\sum_{x\in X\atop y\in Y} p(x,y)\log_2 p(x) + \sum_{x\in X\atop y\in Y}p(x,y)\log_2\left(\frac{p(x|y)p(y)}{p(y)}\right)$
${M}(X;Y)=\sum_{x\in X\atop y\in Y} p(x,y)\log\frac{p(x,y)}{p(x)p(y)}$
From the complete symmetry of this quantity we can also write it as
The following Figure illustrates how the mutual information is related to respective (conditional) entropies of the input and output ensemble.
We have heard that quantifies the statistical dependence of and , but how is that related to error-free communication?
depends on the input ensemble. To focus on the properties of the channel we can simply take an ,,optimal’’ input ensemble and define the channel capacity
It will be left to the sender to actually find the optimal input statistics. Note that is a concave function () of over a convex set of probabilities (this is relevant for procedures like the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm for estimating ) and hence a local maximum is a global maximum.
p = []
Shannon established that this capacity indeed measures the maximum amount of error-free information that can be transmitted. A trivial upper bound on the channel capacity is
This is due to the maximum entropy property of the uniform distribution in the discrete case:
Information theory has long been in the discussion as an ecological theory upon which to judge the performance of sensory processing (Atick 1992). This led Joseph Atick, Horace Barlow and others to postulate to use this theory to study how nervous systems adapt to the environment. The goal is to make quantitative predictions about what the connectivity in the nervous system and the structure of receptive fields should look like, for instance. In this sense, information theory was hoped to become the basis for an ecological theory of adaptation to environmental statistics (Atick 1992,Barlow (1961)).
Some of the signals in nature (and those applied in the laboratory) are continuous in time and alphabet. Does it make sense to extend the definition of the entropy as
Maybe. Let us see how far one gets with this definition. It is called differential entropy by the way. Through quantisation this can be related back to the entropy of discrete alphabets.
If the is smooth then one associates the probability of being in with
The entropy of the quantised version is
This is problematic as the second term goes to infinity for small quantisations. Formally, if is Rieman integrable, then
Since the infinitesimal limit is taken we can also take to be the number of quantal intervals so that in the limit
$\lim_{\Delta\to0\atop n\to\infty}\ln\Delta\approx n$.
So that an -bit quantisation of a continous random variable has entropy
With the mutual information being the difference of entropies the quantisation term vanishes.
A first example can be taken from rate coding6. In terms of our spike trains from Eq. (18), the instantaneous firing rate can be defined as
Let us pause and ask: What is the maximum entropy distribution for a continuous alphabet?
One searches for that fulfils and , where is the variantional derivative. One finds
With the normalisation from we get the normal distribution (, and ).
What did we learn? Well
If we consider the whole spike train (see Eq. (18)) as the ouput, not just its mean input intensity and mean firing rate, we have a continuous time dependent stochastic processes to deal with. Note that the definition of the spike train, if integrated, is related to the empirical distribution function.
If we average infinitely many trials we get the instantaneous firing rate . We will give a mathematical definition of later. Our communication channel looks like that
input signal | neural | response | ||
pathway |
The entropy rate of an ergodic process can be defined as the the entropy of the process at a given time conditioned on its past realisations in the limit of large time
The mutual information rate measures the amount of information a neural pathway transmits about an input signal is the mutual information rate,
between the stochastic process, , and the stochastic response process, . The entropy rate measures the number of discriminable input or output states, either by themselves, or conditioned on other variables.
The mutual information rates, which is the difference between unconditional and conditional entropy rates, characterises the number of input states that can be distinguished upon observing the output. The response entropy rates , for instance, quantifies the number of typical responses per unit time, while is a measure of the decoding noise in the model. If this noise is zero, then the mutual information rate is simply , provided that this is finite.
The conditional entropy rates and , characterising the noise in the encoding and decoding model respectively, are each greater than zero. In information theory, these quantities are also called equivocation. Hence, both the stimulus and response entropy rates, and , are upper bounds for the transmitted information.
This is similar to the quantisation problem. It might be reasonable to drop the term (sometimes this is done, sometimes not). For the one dimensional case we have
or, if we drop the
Any practical consequences?
The best estimator is the mean, so the statisticians say. Therefore a lower bound to the estimation error is given by
The lasst inequality followed from Eq. (29).
Up to an additive constant the entropy of a multivariate Gaussian was78
$H=\frac12\ln|{\underline K}|=\frac12\tr\ln{\underline K}=\frac12\tr\ln{\underline \Lambda}=\frac12\sum_k\ln\lambda_k$.
First let us observe the process for ever , a bi-infinte series with countable elements. The elements of the covariance matrix . The orthogonal eigen-function for the continous covariance operator on are the Fourier bases. It can be shown that in the continuum limit
The result is due to Kolmogorov see also (???,Golshani and Pasha (2010)).
Without a complete probablilistic description of the model the mutual information can not be calculated. And even with a model the involved integrals may not be tracktable. At least two strategies to estimate it exist, though: Either, create a statistical ensemble of inputs and outputs by stimulation, followed by (histogram based) estimation techniques for the mutual information; or, find bounds on the information that can be evaluated more easily. In general, the estimation of mutual information from empirical data is difficult, as the sample size should be much larger than the size of the alphabet. Indeed, each element of the alphabet should be sampled multiple times so that the underlying statistical distribution can, in principle, be accurately estimated. But this prerequisite is often violated, so some techniques of estimating the information from data directly rely on extrapolation (???). The problem becomes particularly hairy when the alphabet is continuous or a temporal processes had to be discretised, resulting in large alphabets.
Another approach, which will allow us to perform a theoretical analysis of phase dynamics, relies on a comparison of the neuronal ``channel’’ to the continuous Gaussian channel (???,Cpt.~13) is analytically solvable (Cover and Thomas 2012). The approach can be used to estimate the information transmission of neuronal models (???). Also experimental system have ben analysed in this way, e.g.:
It was prooven that in that this method leads to a guaranteed lower bound of the actual information transmitted (???).
If one has experimental control of the stimulus ensemble it can choosen to be a Gaussian process with a flat spectrum up to a cutoff as to not introduce biases for certain frequency bands. The mutual information between stimulus and response can be bound from below as
Here, is the equivocation of a process with the same mean and covariance structure as the original decoding noise, but with Gaussian statistics. The conditional entropy of the stimulus given the response is also called reconstruction noise entropy. It reflects the uncertainty remaining about the stimulus when particular responses have been observed.
It turns out that the inequality in Eq. (33) also holds if the estimator is conditioned. Say from the output of the neuron we estimate its input
So if the process has a stationary variance
The second line uses the fact that in this case the optimal estimator is given by the conditional mean. We have the following bound on the equivocation
The deviation between stimulus and its estimate, , is treated as the noise process.
In order to obtain a tight bound the estimator should be as close to optimal as possible. For the case of additional information given by the response of the neural system to the process , the estimator should make use of it, . For simplicity one can assume it is carried out by a filtering operation, specified later (Gabbiani and Koch 1998). Like the whole system the noise process is stationary, and its power spectral density, , is
${H}_\text{gauss}[x|y]\leqslant {{\textstyle\frac12}}\ln{\langle}n^2(t){\rangle}={{\textstyle\frac12}}\int_{-\infty}^\infty\frac{{\mathrm{d}}\omega}{2\pi}\ln P_{nn}(\omega).$
So as to render the inequality in Eq. (35) as tight a bound as possible one should use the optimal reconstruction filter from to . In other words, it is necessary to extract as much information about from the spike train as possible.
The next step should be to find an expression for the noise spectrum, , based on the idea of ideal reconstruction of the stimulus. As opposed to the forward filter, the reconstruction filter depends on the stimulus statistics (even without effects such as adaptation). We seek the filter that minimises the variance of the mean square error
Taking the variational derivative of the error w.r.t.
the filter (coefficients) and equating this to zero one obtains the orthogonality condition for the optimal Wiener filter (???)
Inserting the definition of the error, , into Eq. (38) yields
In order to obtain we need to deconvolve the equation, which amounts to a division in the Fourier domain
To compute the mutual information rate, we now calculate the full auto-correlation of the noise when the filter is given by Eq. (39). For an arbitrary filter , we have
When the orthogonality condition of Eq. (38) holds, the right-most term vanishes. Proceeding by expanding the first term algebraically leads to an expression for the noise correlations
This expression can be Fourier transformed in order to obtain the required noise spectrum
where the definition of the optimal filter, Eq. (39), was utilised. This result can then be inserted into Eq. (36) to obtain the following well known bound on the information rate (???,lindner2005j:mi,holden1976b,stein1972j:coherenceInfo)
This information bound involves only spectra and cross-spectra of the communication channel’s input and output processes which are experimentally measurable in macroscopic recordings . The channel, in this case the neuron, can remain a black box. But since we can bridge the divide between microscopic, biophysical models and their filtering properties, we will, in the following section, derive the mutual information rates.
- .
It quantifies the linearity of the relation between and in a way that it equals 1 if there is no noise and a linear filter transforms input to output. Both nonlinearities and noise reduce the coherence. The coherence can be estimated from data using the FFT algorithm and spectrum estimation. It is implemented in the free software packages
What renders the coherence a useful quanity? While the cross-spectrum informs us when stimulus and output have correlated power in a spectral band, the normlisation with the output auto-spectrum can be crucial. Say we find a particular high power in , this may not be ralted to the stimulus but could just be the intrinsic frequency of the neuron itself.
The coherence is a quantity without mention of the explicite decoding filter, in fact it is symmetric in input and output just as the mutual information. This is beneficial because one can now take the encoding view in the next chapter.
The stimulus spectral density is given by the environment or controlled by the experimental setup, while cross- and output spectra need to be measured or calculated from the model in question. In this lecture cross-spectral and spike train spectral densities are derived from phase oscillator, see Eq. (17), that are in turn derived from biophysical models. This means we do not treat the channel as a blackbox but assume a particular model.
The first quantity we need to calculate Eq. (41) is the cross-spactrum. On the one hand it is the Fourier of the cross-corrlation, on the other it can be written as averages of the Fourier transforms (FT and average are linear operation).
What has happened here? The cross-spectrum can be obtained by averaging the Fourier transformed quantities over trials and the stimulus ensemble. The average can be split into the conditinal average over trials , given a fixed, frozen stimulus and the average over the stimulus ensemble, (). The former is essential an average over the encoding noise (Chacron, Lindner, and Longtin 2004,Lindner, Chacron, and Longtin (2005)).
Observe that is Fourier transform of the trial averaged firing rate conditional on a frozen stimulus
Thus, it is sufficient to derive a filter that maps input to a firing rate, not an individual spike train.
The filter is causal, since it is implemented by a differential equation and the Laplace transform yields
where denotes the transfer function of the encoding filter.
With this definition the cross-spectrum is written as
This shows us that although we are computing the cross-spectrum of stimulus and spike train the response filter for the instantaneous firing rate suffices. This simple relation reminds us of the fact that the cross-spectrum is not really a second order quantity, but can be exactly determined by linear response theory. The spike train spectrum , on the other hand, is truly a second order quantity, viz, the Fourier transform of the auto covariance, and can not be related to the linear response filter without further approximations.
The instantaneous firing rate can be estimated via binning and trial averaging
: | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Trials: | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Two equivalent descriptions9 of Markov dynamics exist
For (i) one can simulate many paths of a stochastic differential equation, with different intitial conditions and noise realisations. Histograms can provide the ensemble statistics. But it is also possible to find an evolution equation for the whole ensemble.
The relation between the two can be formally established by the
With all the lovely properties of a -function.
The probability density
where the average is over all paths, , and therefore over all realisations of the noise process .
The chain rule yields
Solving such a PDE involves time integration or other integral transformations (Fourier and Laplace’s). Since
Averaging on both sides results in
The correlation between a stochastic process and a nonlinear functional of it is given by the Novikov-Furutsu-Donsker formula
All to gether we have the
This is a diffusion equation. It can be written in the form
One needs boundary conditions and initial conditions to solve this PDE.
For convenience rewrite the I/O-equivalent phase oscillator from Eq. (17) as
Here, as opposed to Eq. (17) was split into the part that results from the presented stimulus, now denoted , and the part that originated from, e.g. intrinsic noise. From Eq. (26) the perturbation vector has
As long as the intrinic noise is fast enough compared to the stimulus an averaging can be applied10 to obtain an effective diffusion
which enters Eq. (53). The benefit is that the corresponding The Fokker-Planck equation
is tractable in a perturbation expansion. But first, remember what is the goal: Identification of the forward filter in .
Phase density
The equation is solved with the following perturabtion ansatz
with the normalisation requirement
The are assumed small correctin terms, given that the stimulus is also small.
at the same time one gets
In perturbation theory one solves iteratively the equations of the same order
This equation is homogeneous so we find a time independent steady state solution
One may test this by back insertion. Here both the boundary conditions and Eq. (56) are inforced. The solution can be inserted into the definition of the flux to obtain the zeroth order flux
The next order involves the time-dependent stimulus
To turn the PDE into an algebraic equation one can apply both the Fourier series expansion and the Laplace transform. For this the Laplace transform of the stimulus is denoted as and the periodic function
Solving for
For brevity define the pole
The first order flux is
Happily and consistently one finds
The power spectrum correponds to the imaginary axis, . The low frequency limit is
With , the high frequency limit is
In the past lectures functional consequences (e.g. filter properties) had been derived from the phase response curve of neurons. The PRCs particular shape (e.g. its mean or value at ) had consequences on what the neuron can do computationally. Next we need do gain some insight into “how a PRC looks like in particular dynamical regimes”. These regimes are reached by changing some system parameter, e.g. the membranes leak conductance or capacitance, the composition of ion channels or their kinetic properties.
Often numerical solutions to nonlinear ordinary differential equations are found by (forward) time-integration. An interesting alternative is to track a found solution through parameter space, for which the solution must be persistent. If it is not, then a bifurcation occurs and one observes a qualitative change of the solution.
For book on bifurcation theory consult (Izhikevich 2007) and numerical bifurcation analysis (Kielhöfer 2011).
Asume for
there is a steady state solution
The fixpoint solution depends on the parameter . The existence of the solution as a function of the parameter is governed by the implicite function theorem.
, with , , and .
Let and be smooth near . Then if the Jacobian is nonsingular, a unique, smooth solution family such that
This establishes the existence of lines in a bifurcation diagram.
The method of continuation is a predictor-corrector method. In practice, assume the fixpoint is known for one particular parameter value , then for a small change in parameter the solution is is predicted
- .
To predict the new solution, the old solution is required and the derivative of the solution w.r.t. the parameter that is changed. How to compute the latter? Take the total derivative of Eq. (57) w.r.t. the parameter
with formal solution
If is full rank one can use some efficient linear algebra library to find the vector and back insert it into Eq. (58). For too large the predicted solution will be wrong. Yet, it is a good initial guess form which to find the correct version.
Actually that Newton’s iterations are also obtained by linearisation
which if solved for yields Eq. (59).
Convergence analysis of Newton iterations yields that with each newton iterations the number of correct decimal places doubles. Hence often a low number of iterations (3-7) suffice to achieve sufficient numerical accuracy.
Also and thus . What happens at or ?
Numerical continuation
Or more general: What happens if we find that the condition number of explodes?
In the example above the branch switches its stability and it bends back in a fold or turning point. In general folds can occure with and without stability change.
Bifurcatin analysis is one big “case discrimination”
Recall some difinitions
and .
So that the nullspace is spanned by .
This section considers . Hence, the implicite function theorem is not applicable. From the example above it is apparent that at the bifurcation. The problem can be circumvented by defining a new “arclength parameter”, . The bifurcation branch is then a parametric curve, . Without loss of generality the bifurcation is to be at .
If the Jacobian matrix is rank-deficient the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction can be applied. Intutiefely the problem is reduced from a high-dimensional, possibly infinite-dimensional, one to one that has as many dimension as the deffect of .
The nullspace is spanned by the eigenvector, of , corresponding to the eigenvalue 0.
Assume that is twice differentiable w.r.t. , then differentiate w.r.t. and evaluate at
Let be the Hessian tensor.
At one has and . Projecting onto the left-eigenvector to the eigenvalue 0. at one finds
or with
This is a test function of wether the bifurcation is
There are several cases to be distinguised.
At a simple fold one eigenvalue is zero. Study the eigen system of near
With a bit of analysis
Continue the extened system (linear and nonlinear)
The same procedure than above can be applied to the continuation of periodic orbits and boundary value problems. Define the implicit function to encompass the time derivative
, with .
Then proceed as above. Note that the time derivative is a linear operator which has a matrix representation just like the Jacobian. in that sense
At arbitrary parameters the periodic soluiton adjoint to the first variational equation on the limit cycle yields the PRC. I can be calculated numerically with the continuation method. Near a bifurcation, however, if major parts of the dynamics happen in the centre manifold the PRC can be calculated analytically. As an example take the saddle-node on limit cycle bifurcation (SNLC). The spike in this case is a homoclinic orbit to a saddle-node, that enters and leaves via the semi-stable (centre) manifold that is associated with the eigenvalue of the Jacobian at the saddle.
Saddle-node on a limit cycle (SNLC). The dynamics on the stable manifold is fast , while the dynamics along the centre subspace is slow .
Let there be a saddle-node bifurcation at some value .
Expanding the right-hand side around saddle-node fixpoint, , yields (Ermentrout 1996)
Establish the eigen system at the saddle-node
and with .
By assumption of a saddle-node the Jacobian has a simple zero with an associated eigenvector.
Write the dynamics arround the saddle-node as . then Eq. (60) is
Projecting this equation onto the left eigenvector yields the isolated dynamics along the centre manifold:
Solution of Eq (61)
The centre manifold is only tangential to the spiking limit cycle dynamics near the saddle. Although the proportion of time spend near the saddle is large at some point the trajectories depart so it is only locally valid.
The formal solution of Eq. (61) with initial condition is
Away from the saddle-node the slow manifold accelerates again and the variable explodes at . This blowing up is like a spike. So for the SNLC centre manifold one can think of the the spike at and reset to . The time it takes from to is finite and given by
Note that for it is
The bifurcation parameter enter in . If , then the firing rate has the typical square-root scaling
Let us check this numerically in the pratical.
PRCs of simple 1D reset-models like quadratic equation of Eq (61) can be calculated. The PRC is defined as the phase gradient (Winfree 2001,Kuramoto (1984)) with respect to the state variables. In the unperturbed case we have , where is the frequency. The PRC is
Inserting the solution of Eq. ((???)) yields
Note that depends on the bifurcation parameter, yet does not. Hence it may be preferable to write
A similar calculation for at the saddle-node loop bifurcation yields
The deterministic part of the conductance-based model neuron is
The Jacobian is has eigen system and , with .
For the usual strictly increasing activation curves, , the centre manifold is not parallel to the voltage or any other state direction.
The PRC for perturbation along the centre manifold of the SNIC bifurcation is long known. In order to understand perturbations originating from the gating dynamics of different ion channels we need the PRC for arbitrary perturbations.
The PRC in all dimensions have the same shape, but their relative scaling differs.
Along the stable manifolds, , all . Compared to the slow dynamics along the centre manifold the exponential reset back to the limit cycle is instantaneous and, hence, does not affect the phase. It is known that along the centre manifold the quadratic dynamics yields a phase model with a phase-response curve that has the functional form .
The following holds not only for homoclinic orbits approaching the saddle-node via the semistable centre manifold (the SNIC case), but any homoclinic orbit that approaches via any of the stable manifolds.
The Floquet modes are periodic solution to the first variational system on the limit cycle
- .
Hence, is an eigenvector to the Jacobian. The tangent space to the isochrons is thus . The PRC is then .
If biological oscillators interact their emitted event time series may synchronise. Start with a conductance based models
and couple them with synapses
In Eq (17) the I/O equivalent phase oscillator was derived. Take two phase oscillators and that are I/O equivalent to Eq (66)
Two small () all-to-all coupled networks, showing a fixed phase relation (SNL) and no locking (SNIC).
The evolution of the phase difference is
If the frequency detuning, is small, then is a much slower variable than and . Therefore, The variable in Eq. (67) traverses many periods before changes. In other words: “sees” only the average of . One may apply averaging theory to define
Note that
only the latter has a fixpoint at
Stable and unstable fixpoints in the SNL coupling function
Not all neuronal populations are coupled. Some sensory neurons like auditory receptors do not have lateral inhibition and just project to the next processing stage. Still many of these neuron receive the same sensory input. Therefore, one can study two neurons that share a common input, or, equivalently one neuron that is stimulated in repetitive trials with the same protocol.
Take two neurons and . Each neuron has its own intrinsic noise-level , but all share and a common stimulus and mean firing rate ,
Remember the neuronal codes. A spike time code was a mapping from a time continuous stimulus to a spike train , i.e., the ouput is a high dimensional vector of spike times. In the following the stimulus that is common to all neurons , is assumed to be a small amplitude zero-mean Gaussian process, , with wide-sense stationary covariance . The intrinsic noise has different realisation for each neuron.
These are decoding questions. They are quantified by looking at spike-train metrics (Rossum 2001). In a non-stationary environment on other question maybe useful to ask:
This question it important for up-stream neuron, too, since it determines the minimal window of integration that is required.
Neurons12 are perfectly inphase-locking, if their phase difference is zero, , and stays that way, . For simplicity look at the case. WLOG take as the reference. So, in the present case the phase difference evolves as
In a homogenous (time independent), system information about how fast the locked state is reached and how stable it is is given by the Lyaponov exponent, of the phase difference.
or .
Since there a time-continuous stimulus present one can only define an (time) averaged Lyapunov exponent
Assume that the neurons are already similar in their phase dynamics, then the right hand side phase difference, Eq. (69) can be expanded arround to obtain
In the absence of intrinsic noise, , the averaged Lyapunov exponent from Eq (70) is
Note that this is a case for the Novikov-Furutsu-Donsker formula, because is a nonlinear function of a stochastic process, that depends on the stochastic process . Therefore,
$\bar\lambda={\langle}Z'(\phi_j)x(t){\rangle}=\int_{-\infty}^t{\mathrm{d}}r\,C(t-r)\left{\langle}\frac{\delta Z'(\phi_j(t))}{\delta x(r)}\right{\rangle}$.
With the chain-rule and the definition in Eq (68) this yields
There are different approaches to calculate the remaining average. In an ergodic system the ensemble average can be replaced by temporal averaging, , so one gets
Further expansion in , i.e. to lowest order , one finds
Since now we are dealing with periodic functions under the integral this is
In phase variables this is
In phase locking is guaranteed but the locked state is reached faster if the PRC has large derivatives, i.e. higher Fourier components!
Several alternative derivations exist (Teramae and Tanaka 2004,D. S. Goldobin and Pikovsky (2005),Denis S. Goldobin and Pikovsky (2005))
In the case and we have
The adjoint Fokker-Planck equation
s.t. BC
Laplace transform the equation
A solution is
The inverse Laplace transform of is the inverse Gaussian distribution
Many neuron that do not have slow channels (adaptation, pumps, …) can be fitted with this ISI distribution.
Ion channel noise is not constant throughout the inter spike interval. In a simple two state channel the voltage dependent noise variance is
where is the number of ion channels and is the steady state activation. Hence one may which to analyse
This can not be solved in general but the moments of the ISI distribution are simpler.
The following conserns equations for the statistics of waiting times as in Ref. (Gardiner 2004). Let be the process in question, denoting a voltage or a phase variable. The process starts at a particular , i.e. the initial distribution is
and one is interested in the distribution of times for the process to reach .
If the process is governed by a stochastic differential equation, then it was shown that the associated density is propagated by a specific evolution operator
This equation was called the Fokker-Planck equation (FPE, see Eq (51)). Denote the solution of a homogeneous FPE with starting distribution concentrated at one value by such that and write its formal solution as
The goal is to find a relation between the ISI distribution of the neuron model and the FP operator. For that assume the process lives in an interval , where could denote the spike threshold and the resting potential to which an IF-like neuron resets, or the two boundaries encapsulating the periodic domain of the phase oscillator interval, e.g. and . At time , the system is supposed to start inside the interval, . The probability at time of still being inside the interval , and thus no spike occurring, is (Gardiner 2004)
with additional condition because we started with . The time derivative of , i.e. the change in the probability of remaining within , at any given measures the exit rate or probability. It is also called
The goal is to find an evolution equaiton for . With the help of the formal solution in Eq. (74), it can be shown that the inner product14 of and is constant
$=\iint{\mathrm{d}}y{\mathrm{d}}\tilde y\,e^{-t{{\mathcal F}}(\tilde y)}\delta(\tilde y-y)e^{t{{\mathcal F}}(y)}\delta(y-y_0) =\int{\mathrm{d}}y\,\delta(y-y_0)=1$.
Note that the operator $e^{t{{\mathcal F}}}$ commutes with the identity operator . Taking the time derivative of this constant and using $\dot p={{\mathcal F}}p$ one obtains
$\partial_t{\langle}h,p{\rangle}= {\langle}\dot h,p{\rangle}+{\langle}h,\dot p{\rangle}={\langle}\dot h,p{\rangle}+{\langle}{{\mathcal F}}^\dagger h,p{\rangle}=0$.
Because may change according to its initial conditions, the last expression implies that $\dot h=-{{\mathcal F}}^\dagger h$, or that is a solution to the equation (Gardiner 2004)
$\dot G(y,t)={{\mathcal F}}^\dagger G(y,t)$, s.t. .
The adjoint operator ${{\mathcal F}}^\dagger$ is also called the infinitesimal generator of the stochastic process. In addition to the boundary condition above, trivially stating that if we start in the boundary the initial probability of inside is one, one may include reflecting boundary conditions at the lower end and absorbing boundary conditions at the upper end .
Because partial derivatives and integrals are both linear operators, the equation for directly reads the same
just he bourndary condtion should read .
Since one of the main objectives in this document is to establish links between the microscopic noise sources such as channel noise and the macroscopic spike jitter one may immediate pose the question: How much information about the underlying diffusion process can we extract from first passage time densities like the ISI distribution? Might there be a unique diffusion process generating it? A sobering answer to the second question was given in (???): No—the solution is not unique, there are several possible diffusion processes that may lead to one and the same passage time density.
Yet, not all is lost. If one takes into account constrains from membrane biophysics, then diffusion process derived is not completely arbitrary. In fact, if the model is derived from first principles, then the free parameters in the model can be related to the ISI statistics.
Instead of attempting to obtain the complete ISI distribution by solving the adjoint Fokker-Planck equation, Eq (76) one may content oneself with the first two moments or the coefficient of variation, which one uses to quantify spike jitter in experiments. Let us set and Denote the moment of the ISI distribution as (Gardiner 2004)
where the fact was used that for the finite interval exit is guaranteed, i.e., . one may multiply both side of Eq. (76) with and integrate to obtain a recursive ordinary differential equation for the moments
Here we have imposed reflecting boundary conditions on the lower limit and absorbing boundary conditions on the upper limit . These conditions are in agreement with an IF model, which once reaching the spike threshold is reset an unable to move inversely through the spike. As we discussed in the beginning of they can also be applied as an approximation to the phase oscillator if the noise is weak. This equation is also a direct consequence of the Feynman-Kac formula.
In Cpt.~ the Eq.~ will be used to calculate ISI moments of conductance based neurons using a phase reduction. Suppose we have an FP operator ${{\mathcal F}}(\phi)$ for the equivalent phase variable that is accurate to order in the noise. Then all moment, , up to order the can be obtained accurately. For example if one is interested in ISI variance, the method will require finding a suitable SDEs for the phase variable that gives the FP operator to second order.
The moment, , of the first passage time density is the solution to (Gardiner 2004)
, s.t. BC: and ,
where the Fokker-Planck backwards operator for the Stratonovich SDE in Eq ((???)) is
Assuming that , solutions can be sought in a perturbative manner.
In a renewal process, all inter-spike intervals are independent, as though each is separately drawn form the ISI distribution. But slow kinetic processes in the neuronal dynamics or long-term correlations in the external stimulus could make the spike train have negative or positive correlations. A point process with such properties would be called a non-renewal.
The ISI distribution alone does not tell us about the correlation between consecutive interspike intervals. Are they independent, negatively or positively correlated? Several types of adaptation currents have time scales spanning orders of magnitude above the spiking period and indeed there contribution to ISI correlations have been analysed . But, for the sake of simplicity, we will ignore the effects on longer times scales and consider a spike train as arising form a renewal process.
In the following we treat the neuron as a threshold device such as an integrate-and-fire neuron or a phase model neuron. We compile here a few known results on renewal processes that we will need in later chapters (e.g., ).
The transition probability describes probability a spike occurring at time , when the neuron was in state , is followed by a spike at time , when the neuron crosses threshold . For a stationary renewal process, at any given time after a spike the transition probability in the renewal case can be decomposed into Here is shorthand for the interspike interval distribution from at to threshold , corresponding to the transition probability . The second equality is due to stationarity, which implies a convolution. The spike autocorrelation is the probability that given a spike at there is an other spike at . This is equivalent to the transition probability of being back at the spike threshold after times has elapsed. By recursively splitting the transition probability in Eq.~ into all consecutive possible spiking events one ends with The typical approach to isolate the ISI density from Eq.~ is by means of Laplace’s transform , with , then In some cases the result may be transformed back into time domain, if the Mellin-Bromwich integral exists, that is. The constant is to be chosen to the right of the real parts of all the integrand’s singularities. In cases where this integral can not be evaluated explicitly one is stuck with an expression in the Laplace domain, which is not all that bad, as at least individual moments of the time domain distribution as well as the spike power spectrum may be evaluated. Moments are given by The power spectrum of a stationary renewal spike train is the Fourier transform of the spike train autocorrelation Eq.~. First, we can identify again in the infinite series and write Then, the Lapace transform can be applied to this linear Volterra integral equation to solve for the spiketrain spectrumThe equation for the first moment is
The second moment has to solve
The ISI variance is given by , which evaluates to Eq ((???)).
To calculate the spectral coherence, Eq. (41), the spike auto-spectrum is still needed for normalisation. In general this is complicated, but if the linearity assumption could be extended to the spike trains itself it helps. Assume
Then trial averaging, yields a result consistent with our previous linear response setting
Take and assume that intrinsic noise and stimulus are uncorrelated
Assume two neuron and , whose spike-trains are . The spike dynamics is represented by there I/O-equivalent phase oscillators
A relation between Gaussian noise sources and functions of the state variables in stochastic systems is given by the Novikov-Furutsu-Donsker (NFD) formula. It examines the correlation of a stochastic process at a fixed instance in time, , and a function of , which is an other stochastic process that depends on (???,(???),(???)). One of the advantages of the NFD formula is that it is applicable to systems with multiplicative noise, as they arise in several applications involving phase response curves. The result is the following
The script uses the formula several times so a formal and very compact derivation follows (???). In many physical examples only the values in the past , influence the functional and the integration range can be adjusted accordingly.
Note that this is related to fluctuation-dissipation relations in statistical physics. The state variable is a random process that in turn depends on past values of the random process . One may, therefore, treat the function as a functional of the path . Assuming that the process has a zero mean function, the first step is to write this functional as a Taylor series15 around the deterministic function (omitting the integral domain take it to be understood from to )
The last expression just a formal, compressed way of writing it using the definition of the exponential displacement operator. As is deterministic it can be yanked from any averaging over the noise ensemble, e.g.
${\langle}f[\eta+\xi]{\rangle}=\left{\langle}\left(\exp{\int {\mathrm{d}}t'\,\xi(t')\frac{{{\updelta}}}{{{\updelta}}\eta(t')}}\right)\right{\rangle}f[\eta]\big|_{\eta=0}$.
Hence, we can formally write
$=\frac{\left{\langle}\xi(t)\exp\int {\mathrm{d}}t'\;\xi(t')\frac{{{\updelta}}}{{{\updelta}}\eta(t')}\right{\rangle}} {\left{\langle}\exp\int{\mathrm{d}}t'\;\xi(t')\frac{{{\updelta}}}{{{\updelta}}\eta(t')}\right{\rangle}} {\langle}f[\eta+\xi]{\rangle}\big|_{\eta=0}$.
Next, the infinite dimensional Fourier transform of a stochastic process called the characteristic functional is introduced
For the, by assumption, Gaussian process it is known to be the exponential of a quadratic form
which must be real, , because the density is symmetric around .
With the help of the following identity
$\frac{{\langle}\xi(t)\exp{\mathrm{i}}\int{\mathrm{d}}t'\xi(t')\lambda(t'){\rangle}} {{\langle}\exp{\mathrm{i}}\int{\mathrm{d}}t'\xi(t')\lambda(t'){\rangle}} =\frac{{{\updelta}}}{{\mathrm{i}}{{\updelta}}\lambda} \ln\left{\langle}\exp\;{\mathrm{i}}\int{\mathrm{d}}t'\xi(t')\lambda(t')\right{\rangle}=\frac{{{\updelta}}}{{\mathrm{i}}{{\updelta}}\lambda}\ln\Phi[\lambda]$,
and a formal substitution we may simplify Eq.~ toBack substituting we obtain Eq. (81).
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Fortunately the jelly fish Aglanta digitalae does not care much for dogmas and encodes its swimming patterns in different action potential shapes↩
Actually it does, if you bring energetic considerations into baring.↩
There is also plenty of coding in graded potentials going on for example in some of Drosophila melanogaster’s neuron or your retina. C. elegans seems to do completely without spikes.↩
For now this means that its an invertable matrix; ↩
Four nucleobases A: Adenosine, G: Guanine, C: Cytosine, T: Tymine.↩
Here, the alphabet is a firing rate . It might be more reasonable to think about spike counts in a given time window, which is still a countable set.↩
Remember the determinant is . So . In terms of the matrix-logarithm and the trace the determinant can be expressed as $|{\underline K}|=\exp\tr\ln{\underline K}$.↩
Because the trace is invariant under similarity transforms $\tr{\underline K}=\sum_{i=1}^n\lambda_i$.↩
Similar to the particle and wave duality in quantum mechanics.↩
This can be done formally using Chapman-Enskog or adiabatic elimination procedures. The derivation may be included in to future.↩
Not perfectly though, because there is the intrinsic noise, .↩
This may now refer to one and the same neuron presented with the same frozen stimulus time and again or a population of non-interacting very similar neurons, which get the same input.↩
independent of ↩
The inner product is the inner product on a function space .↩
We are expanding not a function nor a vector-valued function but a functional.↩