Origin and evolution of the glia support system
Wed, Jun 14, 2017
So many glia (questions)
- Q1
- Where there always glias cells to support nerve activity?
- Q2
- Nowadays glia have a multitude of functions, what was the original one?
- Q3
- Single origin with multiple loss vs. multiple origins.
Glia function … today
- Structural support (protection)
- Electrical/chemical isolation
- Nutritive support (metabolic interaction)
- Trophic support
- Devellopment (growth)
- Homeostasis
- Modulation
- Myelin (active)
- Phagocytosis
- Transmitter uptake
- Inflammatory response
Glia/neuron-ratio through evolution
Glia/neuron-ratio through evolution
Tree of life
Glia phylogeny
Glia in development
- Most of neuro-glia is derived from ectoderm
- Nervous systems are subepidermal:
- Vertebrates: Neurulation (folding)
- Arthropods: Ingression (inward migration)
- Glia provide guidance factors or follow neurons
- Functional recruitment of cell types
- Drosophila: Additional glia of mesectodermal origin (guidance factors; linking hemicords)
Function of the ur-glia
- Extracellular homestasis and external trophic support
- Requires extensive envelopment to stop diffusion.
- Neuro-glia Gap-junctions
- enable metabolic cooperation (but are rare today)
- Structural support
- Predatory glia-less flatworm
- Microgila (phagocytosis in the nervous system)
- Macrophages are present in early bilatiria
Myelin phylogeny