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Jan-Hendrik Schleimer ∈ Room 107
Theoretische Neurophysiologie
Institute für theoretische Biologie
Humboldt Universität
Philippstraße 13, Haus 4
10115 Berlin
Sprechzeiten: Tue, 10:00-12:00 am
Tel: 0049 (0)30 2093 98407
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Research areas

Nervous systems are of utter inordinate complexity. It is astonishing to see the complex behaviour of animals, how reliably and efficiently they maneuver through their environments, implemented in their neural architectures and dynamics. The idea that such complexity can itself arise out of the simple rules of evolution is fabulous and extraordinary.

The evolution of nervous systems is a multidisciplinary field, encompassing, i. a., comparative physiology, behavioural ecology and genetics. Mathematical and computational methods are relatively recent additions. One aspect that theoretical models can contribute, is to establish a quantitative link between genotype, molecular phenotype and computational phenotype. The latter is the rigging, the evolutionary molding of brain-like structures is supposed hoist its adaptations on.

The work als encompases reviewing for Phys. Rev. E, Plos One.



Vorschläge zur Verbesserung und Erweiterung des Curriculum am ITB, sowie Feedback zu einzelnen Kursen sind sehr willkommen.

Sommersemester 2016

For students

Conditional on availability, analytical, modelling and data analysis projects are offered for

Please contact Susanne Schreiber or me via email. All students of quantitative sciences from HU and other universities are welcome to apply.


Noise and variability in small nervous systems with Monika Eberhard at the University Greifswald.

The relation between filtering properties of neurons and their dynamical systems properties Martin Stemmler at LMU Munich.


Exciting journals


Mensa Nord Speiseplan BVG S-Bahn Bahn FU Wetter E. Marder: On science funding