Over the last decades, biology has developed from a mainly descriptive to a more analytical science. New connections with physics, chemistry, mathematics, and medicine have been forged, and theoretical biology has become a discipline in its own right. The aim of the Institute for Theoretical Biology is to advance research and education of theoretical concepts in biology.

The Institute for Theoretical Biology is part of the Department of Biology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and also part of Berlin's medical school Charité. It provides an interdisciplinary environment currently housing ten research groups working on a broad range of topics, such as the dynamics of molecular networks within cells, neuroscience, the evolution of organisms, and spreading of diseases.

The Institute for Theoretical Biology is located in the Center of the City in two buildings that are in close proximity to each other.

Administrative contacts

Elvira Lauterbach, phone: +49 30 2093-98418, e.lauterbach@biologie.hu-berlin.de
Karin Winklhöfer, phone: +49 30 2093-98420, k.winklhoefer@biologie.hu-berlin.de

How to reach us