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A namespace is similar to a directory or folder, while pagenames are similar to files. Namespaces are used to categorize the pages and to restrict access to certain users and groups.

You may picture namespaces as directories and pagenames as files inside them.

Therefore the a:b:c pagename can be pictured as:

   root namespace (always present)
     └── 'a' namespace
          └── 'b' namespace
               └── 'c' pagename

Note that you can have a pagename and a namespace with the same name, at the same time, within any namespace. Back to the above example, the a:b pagename can be pictured as:

   root namespace (always present)
     └── 'a' namespace
          └── 'b' pagename (not to be confused with the 'b' namespace above)

This doesn't lead to conflicts, because DokuWiki treats the final token (the one after the last colon) as the name of the page itself, while all other tokens are namespaces.

  • In a:b:c, a and b are namespaces while c is a page.
  • In a:b, a is interpreted as a namespace and b as a page.

See namespaces for more details.