Computational Modelling in Medicine
Prof. Dr. Nils Blüthgen
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How to get to the ITB
The Institute for Theoretical Biology is residing in two buildings: on the HU Campus Nord (Haus 4 - Ostertaghaus), and the Natural History Museum (Invalidenstr. 43). Both are in in the center of the city, and in close proximity. The maps and links blow show how to get to these buildings.
ITB @ Campus Nord (Haus 4)The campus can be accessed from Friedrichstraße/Reinhardsstraße (through a gate at Reinhardsstraße), through a gate at Luisenstraße, or via Philippsstraße. The number of the building is 4, and it is oposite to the "Tieranatomisches Theater" Click on map for details, or see the location on open street map or Google maps
ITB @ Natural History Museum |