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groups:steuer:start [2016/09/30 10:33] steuergroups:steuer:start [2024/10/07 15:35] (current) – [Welcome to the group "Metabolic Network Analysis"] steuer
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-**[[groups/steuer/start|Home - Metabolic Network Analysis]]** | +~~NOTOC~~ 
-**[[groups/steuer/research|Research]]** | +===== Welcome to the group "Metabolic Network Analysis=====
-**[[groups/steuer/publications|Publications]]** | +
-**[[groups/steuer/resources|Resources and miscellanea]]** \\ +
- +
-====== Welcome to the group Metabolic Network Analysis =====+
 +** This page is no longer maintained. Please visit: **
 Cyanobacteria are remarkable organisms. As the evolutionary inventors of **oxygenic photosynthesis**, and ancestors of today's plastids (chloroplasts) in plants, cyanobacteria did shape geochemistry of our plant like no other organism.  In addition to their glorious past cyanobacteria are also a promise to the future.  Cyanobacteria are remarkable organisms. As the evolutionary inventors of **oxygenic photosynthesis**, and ancestors of today's plastids (chloroplasts) in plants, cyanobacteria did shape geochemistry of our plant like no other organism.  In addition to their glorious past cyanobacteria are also a promise to the future. 
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 ===== People ===== ===== People =====
- [[:members:steuer:start|Ralf Steuer]] (PI), Henning Knoop (postdoc), Marco Ruegen (PhD student), Karolin Keil (student worker), Marjan Faizi (PhD student)+ [[:members:steuer:start|Ralf Steuer]] (PI), Rune Hoeper (PhD), Daria Komkova (PhD)
-**Former members:** Raik Otto (student worker), Natalie Stanford (postdoc), Stefan Muller (postdoc), Sabrina Hoffmann (postdoc), Leif Blaese (Master student), Christian Beck (PhD student), Ulrich Tillich (postdoc), Stefanie Westermark (postdoc)  \\+**Former members:**  
 +Suraj Sharma (postdoc), Marjan Faizi (PhD student),  
 +Henning Knoop (postdoc), Lars Baehr (PhD student, now CellDEG), Raik Otto (student worker), Natalie Stanford (postdoc), Stefan Muller (postdoc), Sabrina Hoffmann (postdoc), Willi Gottstein (PhD student, via CSB), Leif Blaese (Master student), Christian Beck (PhD student), Ulrich Tillich (postdoc), Stefanie Westermark (postdoc), Karolin Keil (student worker), Marco Ruegen (PhD student)  \\
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 ===== Funding ===== ===== Funding =====
 +  * BMBF Forschungsnetzwerk LiSyM-Krebs: [[|SMART-NAFLD]]
 +  * DFG Project: Leben vom Licht: vom Wachstum einer Zelle zu produktiven Ökosystemen, Projektnummer 453048493
   * DFG Research Training Group [[|"Computational Systems Biology"]] [as associated group]   * DFG Research Training Group [[|"Computational Systems Biology"]] [as associated group]
   * Exist-Gründerstipendium „CellDeg“ (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 03EGSBE291) [2015-2016]    * Exist-Gründerstipendium „CellDeg“ (BMBF, Förderkennzeichen 03EGSBE291) [2015-2016]