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news [2016/10/21 08:35] elviralnews [2023/05/30 13:10] (current) elviral
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-**Honorary Colloquium** **Prof Werner Ebeling** on occasion of his 80th birthday taking place at  +====== News ====== 
-21st of October, 2016 at 2pm in the Institute of theoretical Biology,+ 
 +24 May 2023 - Published online: Gap junctions desynchronize a neural circuit to stabilize insect flight - Hürkey S***Niemeyer N*, Schleimer J-H**, Ryglewski S, **Schreiber S#**, Duch C# (2023): Gap junctions desynchronize a neural circuit to stabilize insect flight. Nature - *Equal contribution. #Shared corresponding authors -  
 +X-Research Group - Digital twins for the treatment of hypertension 
 +**M. König** receives funding of the Berlin University Alliance and the DFG  
 +for the X-Student Research Group: **Digital twins for the treatment of  
 +Understanding a drugs pharmacokinetics - how it is absorbed,  
 +distributed, metabolised and excreted by the body - and its  
 +pharmacodynamics - how it affects the body - is a key challenge in  
 +treating people. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and  
 +diuretics are two classes of drugs used to treat high blood pressure.  
 +Both are among the most commonly prescribed drugs due to the high  
 +prevalence of hypertension in an ageing society. 
 +In this X-student research group physiologically based pharmacokinetic  
 +models of the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide and the ACE inhibitor  
 +lisinopril will be developed. With the X-Student Research Groups  
 +the Berlin University Alliance supports research teams consisting of  
 +young researchers and students. The goal is to involve students in  
 +current research projects of the alliance partners and to enable them to  
 +participate in (cutting-edge) research already during their studies. 
 +Funded under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the  
 +Länder by the Berlin University Alliance  
 +ATLAS - AI and Simulation for Tumor Liver ASsessment 
 +*The BMBF is funding the joint project ATLAS in the **"Computational Life  
 +Sciences - AI Methods for Systems Medicine"** of **M. König.** 
 +Liver cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death.  
 +Diagnosis and treatment are time-critical and require highly  
 +patient-specific diagnostic and treatment pathways. Medical  
 +decision-making is based on a variety of interdependent factors related  
 +to different medical disciplines, past experience and clinical  
 +guidelines. Taking into account all decision factors in combination with  
 +the possible therapeutic approaches is a major challenge for physicians  
 +and often cannot be solved optimally even in an interdisciplinary tumor  
 +board. In this project, we are developing ATLAS, a decision support tool  
 +that will significantly assist clinicians in meeting this challenge.  
 +Based on AI methods, ATLAS processes all relevant patient data from  
 +databases, systems medicine and continuum biomechanical in silico  
 +prognosis models as well as individual patient data. The tool is being  
 +developed in a co-design approach by experts in surgical oncology,  
 +mathematical modeling and machine learning. The selected technologies  
 +will integrate automated understanding of a highly complex patient  
 +situation through simulation of liver functions with expert knowledge  
 +and ontology-driven learning with knowledge graphs from retrospective  
 +liver tumor cases. ATLAS will be based on a detailed historical data  
 +cohort of more than 6,000 patients with liver tumors and will be  
 +evaluated on case studies at the University Hospital of Jena. The  
 +integration of medical expert knowledge, mathematical modeling and  
 +artificial intelligence represents a highly original and promising  
 +approach for high-quality diagnosis and treatment of liver tumors,  
 +resulting in patient-specific improvement of prognosis. The scientific  
 +knowledge gained from these projects will provide opportunities for  
 +transfer to malignancies in other organs, such as the lung, kidney or  
 +brain. The development of tools and demonstrators will provide  
 +sustainable exploitation pathways for future commercial applications. 
 +The 3-year research project **"Delineating and testing a microcircuit 
 +model of parahippocampal phase precession"** is funded by the German 
 +Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) within the 
 +Priority Program 1665 (Schwerpunktprogramm) "Resolving and 
 +manipulating neuronal networks in the mammalian brain – from 
 +correlative to causal analysis". The project will start in November 
 +2016.  Collaborators are **Prof. Michael Brecht** (Humboldt-Universität zu 
 +Berlin), **Prof. Dietmar Schmitz** (Charité), and **Prof. Richard Kempter** 
 +(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). 
 +Further details can be found at 
 +The 3-year research project **"Field potentials in the auditory system"** 
 +is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 
 +(BMBF) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). This "US-American - 
 +German Collaboration in Computational Neuroscience" started in April 
 +2016. Collaborators are **Prof. Catherine E. Carr** (University of 
 +Maryland), **Prof. Christine Köppl** (Universität Oldenburg), and 
 +**Prof. Richard Kempter** (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). 
 +Further details can be found at 
 +**Prof Werner Ebeling** Honorary Colloquium **"Irreversible Processes and  
 +Selforganization"**  on occasion of his 80th birthday taking place at  
 +21st of October, 2016 at 2pm in the Institute of Theoretical Biology,
 house 04 of “Campus Nord” of Humboldt University at Berlin house 04 of “Campus Nord” of Humboldt University at Berlin